3. Parametrized Simulations using CFG files

The Model CFG (.cfg) files allow to pass command line options to Feel++ applications. In particular, it allows to

  • setup the output directory

  • setup the mesh

  • setup the time stepping

  • define the solution strategy and configure the linear/non-linear algebraic solvers.

  • other options specific to the toolbox used

directory=toolboxes/fluid/TurekHron/cfd3/P2P1G1 (1)

case.dimension=2 (2)
case.discretization=P2P1G1 (3)

[fluid] (4)
filename=$cfgdir/cfd3.json (5)

mesh.filename=$cfgdir/cfd.geo (6)
gmsh.hsize=0.03 (7)

solver=Newton (8)

pc-type=lu (9)

bdf.order=2 (10)

time-step=0.01 (11)
time-final=10 (12)
1 the directory where the results are stored
2 the dimension (2d/3d) of the application
3 the discretization choosen (specific to the toolbox)
4 the prefix of option
5 the path of the json file
6 the path of geo/mesh file
7 characterist size of the mesh
8 type of non linear solver (specific to fluid toolbox)
9 type of preconditioner
10 order of BDF time scheme (specific to fluid toolbox)
11 time step
12 time final

If the mesh file is stored on a remote storage as Girder, the mesh.filename option in the previous listing can be replaced by


where 5af862d6b0e9574027047fc8 is the id of the mesh file in the Girder platform. All options for Girder access are listed here :

Option Default value Description



url of a Girder platform


<no default value>

one or several file id(s)


<no default value>

an authentication key