Heat Transfer and Fluids

Welcome to the Heat Transfer and Fluid toolbox

1. Heat Fluid Toolbox

1.1. Models

1.2. Materials

1.3. Boundary Conditions

1.3.1. Dirichlet

\[T = g \quad \text{ on } \Gamma\]

1.3.2. Neumann

\[-k \nabla T \cdot \boldsymbol{n} = g \quad \text{ on } \Gamma\]

1.3.3. Robin

\[-k \nabla T \cdot \boldsymbol{n} = h \left( T - g \right) \quad \text{ on } \Gamma\]

1.4. Initial Conditions

1.5. Post Processing

1.5.1. Exports

The fields allowed to be exported in the fields section are:

  • temperature

  • velocity-convection

  • thermal-conductivity

  • density

  • pid

1.5.2. Measures

Evaluation at points
  • temperature

1.6. Stabilization methods

1.6.1. GLS family