Backward Step
1. Description
- Problem summary
Let us consider the backward-facing step benchmark illustrated in Figure 1, which is an example of an inflow/outflow problem. The inflow is at \(x=-1\) and the outflow is at \(x=5\) for \(Re=10\) and \(Re=100\), at \(x=10\) for \(Re=200\) and at \(x=20\) for \(Re=400\).
The mathematical model reads as follows:
We choose an implicit treatment of the convective term and a non symmetric formulation of the deformation tensor. We will deal with the nonlinear system arising from the discrete Navier-Stokes equations by using Picard iterations.
1.1. Boundary conditions
Boundary conditions formulation
a no-flow condition is imposed on the wall
a Newmann condition is applied at the outflow boundary
A Poiseuille flow profile is imposed on the inflow boundary. The 2D and 3D Poiseuille profiles are defined respectively as follow:
2. Inputs
Parameter set definition
Name |
Description |
Nominal Value |
\(D\) |
height of the step |
2 |
\(L\) |
length of the step |
{ 5, 10, 20 } |
\(\rho\) |
density of the fluid |
1 |
\(\nu\) |
kinematic viscosity |
{ 0.2, 0.1, 0.01, 0.005 } |
Re |
Reynolds number \(\quad \quad \frac{2}{\nu}\) |
{ 10, 100, 200, 400 } |
- Mesh generation
- Partitioner
- PostProcessing
- Preconditioner
PCD (GAMG for A_p and M_p sub-problems, as for F_u we coupled Fieldsplit with block Jacobi. For each components of F_u we applied a GAMG preconditioner for Re=10, 100 and Re=200. As for Re=400 we used the DD method GASM with LU in the subdomains for the components of F_u sub-matrix. (We used a relative tolerance of 10^{-6} for each sub-problem).
- Solver
The stopping criterion of the nonlinear iteration is when the vector Euclidean norm of the nonlinear residual reaches a relative error of 10^{-6}, that is
As for the starting vector for the linearized iteration it is set to zero and the stopping criterion is
where \(\mathbf{r}^{(k)}\) is the residual of the linear system and \(S^{(m)}\) is the left-hand side residual associated with the final nonlinear system.
6. Bibliography
[Armaly] Bassem F Armaly, F Durst, JCF Pereira, and B Schönung. Experimental and theoretical investigation of backward-facing step flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 127:473–496, 1983.
[Stefano] G De Stefano, FM Denaro, and G Riccardi. Analysis of 3 d backward-facing step incompressible flows via a local average-based numerical procedure. International journal for numerical methods in fluids, 28(7):1073–1091, 1998.
[Erturk] Ercan Erturk. Numerical solutions of 2D steady incompressible flow over a backward-facing step,part i: High reynolds number solutions. Computers & Fluids, 37(6):633–655, 2008.