
In this example, we will estimate the rise in temperature due to Joules losses in a stranded conductor. An electrical potential \(V_0\) is applied to the entry/exit of the conductor which is also cooled by a force flow.
The geometry of the conductor is choosen as to have an analytical expression for the temperature.

1. Running the case

The command line to run this case in 2D is

mpirun -np 4 feelpp_toolbox_thermoelectric --case "github:{path:toolboxes/thermoelectric/cases/cvg}" --case.config-file 2d.cfg
Case option
--case "github:{path:toolboxes/thermoelectric/cases/cvg}"
Case config file option
--case.config-file 2d.cfg

The command line to run this case in 3D is

mpirun -np 4 feelpp_toolbox_thermoelectric --case "github:{path:toolboxes/thermoelectric/cases/cvg}" --case.config-file 3d.cfg
Case option
--case "github:{path:toolboxes/thermoelectric/cases/cvg}"
Case config file option
--case.config-file 3d.cfg

2. Geometry

The conductor consists in a rectangular cross section torus which is somehow "cut" to allow for applying electrical potential. The conductor is cooled with a force flow along its cylindrical faces.+ In 2D, the geometry is as follow: geometry
In 3D, this is the same geometry, but extruded along the z axis.

3. Input parameters

Name Description Value Unit


internal radius




external radius








electrical potential




internal transfer coefficient


\(W\cdot m^{-2}\cdot K^{-1}\)


internal water temperature




external transfer coefficient


\(W\cdot m^{-2}\cdot K^{-1}\)


external water temperature



3.1. Model & Toolbox

  • This problem is fully described by a Thermo-Electric model, namely a poisson equation for the electrical potential \(V\) and a standard heat equation for the temperature field \(T\) with Joules losses as a source term.

  • toolbox: thermoelectric

3.2. Materials

Name Description Marker Value Unit


electric conductivity




3.3. Boundary conditions

The boundary conditions for the electrical probleme are introduced as simple Dirichlet boundary conditions for the electric potential on the entry/exit of the conductor. For the remaining faces, as no current is flowing througth these faces, we add Homogeneous Neumann conditions.

Marker Type Value







Rint, Rext, top*, bottom*



As for the heat equation, the forced water cooling is modeled by robin boundary condition with \(Tw\) the temperature of the coolant and \(h\) an heat exchange coefficient.

Marker Type Value







V0, V1, top*, bottom*



*: only in 3D

4. Outputs

The main fields of concern are the electric potential \(V\), the temperature \(T\) and the current density \(\mathbf{j}\) or the electric field \(\mathbf{E}\). // presented in the following figure.

5. Verification Benchmark

The analytical solutions are given by:

\[\begin{align*} V&=\frac{V_D}{\delta}\theta=\frac{V_D}{\delta}\operatorname{atan2}(y,x)\\ \mathbf{E}&=\left( -\frac{V_D}{\delta}\frac{y}{x^2+y^2}, \frac{V_D}{\delta}\frac{x}{x^2+y^2}\right)\\ T&=A\log(r)^2+B\log(r)+C=A\log\left(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\right)^2+B\log\left(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\right)+C\\ A&=-\frac{\sigma}{2k}\left(\frac{V_D}{\delta}\right)^2\\ B&=\frac{B_e-B_i}{D}\\ C&=\frac{C_e-C_i}{D}\\ B_e&=2T_{we}\delta^2h_eh_ikr_er_i + V_D^2h_eh_ir_er_i\sigma\log(r_e)^2 + V_D^2h_ikr_i\sigma\log(r_e^2)\\ B_i&=2T_{wi}\delta^2h_eh_ikr_er_i + V_D^2h_eh_ir_er_i\sigma\log(r_i)^2 - V_D^2h_ekr_e\sigma\log(r_i^2)\\ C_e&=(h_er_e\log(r_e) + k)(2T_{wi}\delta^2h_ikr_i + V_D^2h_ir_i\sigma\log(r_i)^2 - V_D^2k\sigma\log(r_i^2))\\ C_i&=(h_ir_i\log(r_i) - k)(2T_{we}\delta^2h_ekr_e + V_D^2h_er_e\sigma\log(r_e)^2 + V_D^2k\sigma\log(r_e^2))\\ D&=2\delta^2k(h_eh_ir_er_i\log(r_e) - h_eh_ir_er_i\log(r_i) + h_ekr_e + h_ikr_i) \end{align*}\]

We will check if the approximations converge at the appropriate rate:

  • k+1 for the \(L_2\) norm for \(V\) and \(T\)

  • k for the \(H_1\) norm for \(V\) and \(T\)

  • k for the \(L_2\) norm for \(\mathbf{E}\) and \(\mathbf{j}\)

  • k-1 for the \(H_1\) norm for \(\mathbf{E}\) and \(\mathbf{j}\)

Table 1. Temperature 2D and 3D

temperature 2D

potential 2D

Table 2. Electric potential 2D and 3D

potential 2D

potential 3D

Table 3. Electric field 2D and 3D

electric field 2D

electric field 3D