Reduced Basis Methods
1. Model Order Reduction
1.1. Definition
1.1.1. Problem statement
Goal : Replicate input-output behavior of large-scale system \(\Sigma\) over a certain (restricted) range of
forcing inputs and
parameter inputs

Given large-scale system \(\Sigma_\mathcal{N}\) of dimension \(\mathcal{N}\), find a reduced order model \(\Sigma_N\) of dimension \(N << \mathcal{N}\) such that: The approximation error is small, i.e., there exists a global error bound such that :
\(\|u(\mu) - u_N (\mu)\| \leq \varepsilon_{\mathrm{des}}\), and \(|s(\mu) - s_N (\mu)| \leq \varepsilon^s_{\mathrm{des}} , \forall \mu \in D^{\mu}\).
Stability (and passivity) is preserved.
The procedure is computationally stable and efficient.
1.2. Motivation
Generalized Inverse Problem :
Given PDE(\(\mu\)) constraints, find value(s) of parameter \(\mu\) which:
(OPT) minimizes (or maximizes) some functional;
(EST) agrees with measurements;
(CON) makes the system behave in a desired manner;
or some combination of the above
Full solution computationally very expensive due to a repeated evaluation for many different values of \(\mu\)
Goal: Low average cost or real-time online response.
1.3. Methodologies
Reduced Basis Methods
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
Balanced Truncation
Krylov Subspace Methods
Proper Generalized Decomposition
Modal Decomposition
Physical model reduction
Disclaimer on Model Order Reduction Techniques
1.4. Summary
Many problems in computational engineering require many or real-time evaluations of PDE(\(\mu\))-induced + input-output relationships.
Model order reduction techniques enable certified, real-time calculation + of outputs of PDE(\(\mu\)) + for parameter estimation, optimization, and control.
2. Reduced Basis Method
2.1. Problem Statement
A model order reduction technique that allows efficient and reliable reducedorder approximations for a large class of parametrized partial differentialequations (PDEs) in real-time or in the limit of many queries.
Comparison to other model reduction techniques:
Parametrized problems(material, constants, geometry,…)
A posteriori error estimation
Offline-online decomposition
Greedy algorithm (to construct reduced basis space)
Motivation :
Efficient solution of optimization and optimal control problems governed by parametrized PDEs.
2.1.1. Problem statement
Given a parameter \(\underbrace{\mu}_{\text{parameter}} \in \underbrace{D^\mu}_\text{parameter domain}\), evaluate \(\underbrace{s(\mu)}_\text{output} = L(\mu)^T \underbrace{u(\mu)}_\text{field variable}\) where \(u(\mu)\in\underbrace{X}_\text{FE space}\) satisfies a PDE \(A(\mu) u(\mu) = f(\mu)\).
Difficulties :
Need to solve \(\textit{PDE}_{FE}(\mu)\) numerous times at different values of \(\mu\),
Finite element space \(X\) has a large dimension \(\mathcal{N}\).
2.1.3. General Problem Statement
Given a system \(\Sigma_\mathcal{N}\) of large dimension N,

\(u(\mu, t) \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{N}}\), the state
\(s(\mu, t)\), the outputs of interest
\(g(t)\), the forcing or control inputs
are functions of
\(\mu \in D\), the parameter inputs
\(t\), time
and the matrices \(M\), \(A\), \(B\), and \(L\) also depend on \(\mu\).
Construct a reduced order system \(\Sigma_N\) of dimension \(N \ll \mathcal{N}\),

where \(u_N(\mu) \in \mathbb{R}^N\) is the reduced state.
We start by considering \(\dot{u} = 0\)
Full Model
\(\begin{align} A(\mu) u(\mu)& = & F(\mu)\\ s(\mu)&=&L^T(\mu) u(\mu) \end{align}\)
Reduced Model
\(\begin{align} A_N(\mu) u_N(\mu)& = & F_N(\mu)\\ s_N(\mu)&=&L^T_N(\mu) u_N(\mu) \end{align}\)
2.2. Key ingredients
2.2.1. Approximation
Take « snapshots » at different \(\mu\)-values: \(u(\mu_i), i = 1 \ldots N\), and let \(Z_N=[\xi_1,\ldots,\xi_N] \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathcal{N}\times N}\) where the basis/test functions, \(\xi_i\) « \(=\) » \(u(\mu_i)\), are orthonormalized
For any new \(\mu\), approximate \(u\) by a linear combination of the \(\xi_i\) \(u(\mu) \approx \sum_{i=1}^N u_{N,i}(\mu) \xi_i = Z_N u_N(\mu)\) determined by Galerkin projection, i.e.,
2.2.2. A posteriori error estimation
Assume well-posedness; \(A(\mu)\) positive and definite with a minimal eigenvalue \(\alpha_a :=\lambda_1 >0\), where \(A \xi=\lambda X \xi\) and \(X\) corresponds to the \(X\)-inner product, \((v, v)_X = \|v\|_X^2\)
Let \(\underbrace{e_N = u - Z_N\ u_N}_{\text{error}}\) , and \(\underbrace{r = F - A\ Z_N\ u_N}_{\text{residual}}, \forall \mu \in D^\mu\), so that \(A(\mu) e_N (\mu) = r(\mu)\)
Then (LAX-MILGRAM) for any \(\mu \in D^\mu\), \(\|u(\mu)- Z_N u_N(\mu) \|_X \leq \frac{\|r(\mu)\|_{X'}}{\alpha_{LB}(\mu)} =: \Delta_N(\mu)\), \(|s(\mu)-s_N(\mu)| \leq \|L\|_{X'} \Delta_N(\mu) =: \Delta^s_N(\mu)\) where \(\alpha_{LB}(\mu)\) is a lower bound to \(\alpha_a(\mu)\), and \(\|r\|_{X'}=r^T X^{-1} r\).
2.2.3. Offline-Online decomposition
How do we compute \(u_N\), \(s_N\), \(\Delta_N^s\) for any \(\mu\) efficiently online ?
We assue \(A(\mu) = \displaystyle\sum_{q=1}^Q \theta^q(\mu)A^q\) where
\(\theta^q(\mu)\) are parameter depandent coefficients,
\(A^q\) are parameter independent matrices
so that \(A_N(\mu) = Z_N^T A(\mu)Z_N = \displaystyle \sum_{q=1}^Q \theta^q(\mu)\underbrace{Z_N^T A^q Z_N}_\text{parameter independant}\)
Since all required quantities can be decomposed in this manner, we can split the process in two phases :
OFFLINE : Form and store \(\mu\)-independant quantities at cost \(O(\mathcal{N})\),
ONLINE : For any \(\mu\in D^\mu\), compute approximation and error obunds at cost \(O(QN^2+N^3)\) and \(O(Q^2N^2)\).
2.2.4. Greedy Algorithm
How do we choose the sample points \(\mu_i\) (snapshots) optimally ?
Given \(Z_{N=2} « = » [u(\mu_1), u(\mu_2)]\), we choos \(\mu_{N+1}\) as follows
and \(Z_{N+1} := [u(\mu_1),\cdots, u(\mu_{N+1})\).
Key : \(\Delta_N(\mu)\) is sharp and inexpensive to compute (online)
Error bound gives « optimal » samples, so we get a good approximation \(u_N(\mu)\).

2.3. Summary
2.3.1. Reduced Basis Opportunities Computational Opportunities
We restrict our attention to the typically smooth and low-dimensional manifold induced by the parametric dependence.
\(\Rightarrow\) Dimension reduction -
We accept greatly increased offline cost in exchange for greatly decreased online cost.
\(\Rightarrow\) Real-time and/or many-query context
2.3.2. Reduced Basis Relevance
Real-Time Context (control,\(\ldots\)): \(\begin{align} \mu & \rightarrow & s_N(\mu), \Delta^s_N(\mu) & \\ t_0 \text{(« input »)} & & & t_0+\delta t_{\mathrm{comp}} (\text{« response »}) \end{align}\)
Many-Query Context (design,\(\ldots\)): \(\begin{align} \mu_j & \rightarrow & s_N(\mu_j), \Delta^s_N(\mu_j),\quad j=1\ldots J \\ t_0 & & t_0+\delta t_{\mathrm{comp}} J\quad (J \rightarrow \infty) \end{align}\)
\(\Rightarrow\) Low parginal (real-time) and/or low average (many-query) cost.
2.3.3. Reduced Basis Challenges
A Posteriori error estimation
Rigorous error bounds for outputs of interest
Lower bounds to the stability « constants »
Offline-online computational procedures
Full decoupling of finite element and reduced basis spaces
A posteriori error estimation
Nonaffine and nonlinear problems
Effective sampling strategies
High parameter dimensions
2.3.4. Reduced Basis Outline
Affine Elliptic Problems
(non)symmetric, (non)compliant, (non)coercive
(Convection)-diffusion, linear elasticity, Helmholtz
Affine Parabolic Problems
(Convection)-diffusion equation
Nonaffine and Nonlinear Problems
Nonaffine parameter dependence, nonpolynomial nonlinearities
Reduced Basis (RB) Method for Fluid Flow
Saddle-Point Problems (Stokes)
Navier-Stokes Equations
Parameter Optimization and Estimation (Inverse Problems)
Optimal Control