Exporting results for visualisation
We now turn to the exporter facility of Feel++ which allows to provide the results of Feel++ solves in a format readable by ParaView or EnSight.
In this 2D and 3D example, we
initiate the Feel++ environment
download a mesh description from github.com/feelpp/feelpp/
build the mesh and partition it
build a function space \(X_h\)
create an element \(u\) of \(X_h\) which interpolate an expression givn by the end-user
export to the Ensight Gold format (the default Feel++ format) of Feel++
Example to build a mesh and function space, create an element and visualize them in ParaView
import feelpp
import sys
app = feelpp.Environment(["myapp"],config=feelpp.localRepository("")) (1)
1 | The Feel++ environment is initiated with the name of the application and the path to the local repository where the results will be stored. |
app.setLogVerbosityLevel(0) (1)
geofilename=feelpp.download( "github:{repo:feelpp,path:feelpp/quickstart/laplacian/cases/feelpp2d/feelpp2d.geo}", worldComm=app.worldCommPtr() )[0]
mesh = feelpp.load(feelpp.mesh(dim=2,realdim=2), name=geofilename, h=0.1, verbose=1) (2)
Xh=feelpp.functionSpace(mesh=mesh,space="Pch",order=1) (3)
P0h=feelpp.functionSpace(mesh=mesh,space="Pdh",order=0) (4)
u=Xh.element() (5)
u.on(range=feelpp.elements(mesh), expr=feelpp.expr("sin(2*pi*x)*cos(pi*y):x:y")) (6)
e = feelpp.exporter(mesh=mesh) (7)
e.addScalar("a_scalar", 1.) (8)
e.addP1c("u",u) (9)
e.addP0d("pid",feelpp.pid( P0h )) (10)
e.save() (11)
1 | The verbosity level is set to 0 (only VLOG(level) with level ⇐ 0 are displayed) |
2 | The mesh is loaded from the github.com/feelpp/feelpp/ repository |
3 | The function space \(X_h\) is built from the mesh mesh and the space Pch and order 1 |
4 | The function space \(P0_h\) is built from the mesh mesh and the space Pdh and order 0 |
5 | The element u is built from the function space Xh |
6 | The element u is interpolated with the expression {sin(2*pi*x)*cos(pi*y)}:x:y |
7 | The exporter is built from the mesh mesh |
8 | The scalar a_scalar is added to the exporter e |
9 | The element u is added to the exporter e |
10 | The element pid is added to the exporter e |
11 | The exporter e is saved to the disk |
[loadMesh] Loading mesh in format geo+msh: "/Users/prudhomm/Downloads/feelppdb/downloads/feelpp2d.geo" [loadMesh] Use default geo desc: /Users/prudhomm/Downloads/feelppdb/downloads/feelpp2d.geo 0.1
The results are stored in the directory feelppdb
and can be visualized with ParaView or EnSight.
INFO: The file exports/ensightgold/myapp/myapp.case
can be opened directly in ParaView or EnSight to visualize the mesh and the fields.
!ls exports/ensightgold/myapp
myapp-1.sos myapp.geo.0001 myapp.u.scl.0001 myapp-paraview-1.sos myapp.pid.scl.0001 myapp.case myapp.timeset