Get AngioTK
1. Using Docker
Docker is the easiest way to run AngioTK. Start by installing docker on your system.
The official docker documentation offers optional post-install steps which among other things, allow to run docker as a non-root user. For simplicity, we assume you went through with this particular option. Otherwise, all the commands below should be executed as root. |
Once docker is installed, pull the AngioTK docker image:
docker pull feelpp/angiotk:master
You start using AngioTK docker image as follows:
docker run --rm -ti -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u` -v $HOME/feel:/feel feelpp/angiotk:master
Some explanations:
docker run --rm -ti (1)
-e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u` (2)
-v $HOME/feel:/feel (3)
feelpp/angiotk:master (4)
1 | runs the`docker` application in interactive mode (-it ) and upon exit the container is removed (--rm ) |
2 | indicates to docker the user id to use inside the docker container. This is needed to avoid permission issues. Usually the user id is the one who uses docker. |
3 | mounts the directory $HOME/feel to /feel inside the docker container. Docker container are read-only, the only way to save work done with these containers is to mount a host directory (e.g.`$HOME/feel`) to a container directory (here /feel/ ) |
4 | is the name of the docker image |
To be able to use graphical interfaces (such as the center lines tool’s), you need to provide additional arguments which are platform dependent. For example, on Ubuntu:
You also need a few other arguments to run the latest AngioTK image, so here is a complete command:
docker run --rm -h feelpp -e LOCAL_USER_ID=`id -u` --pid=host --ipc=host -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v $HOME/feel_docker:/feel -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/user/.Xauthority feelpp/angiotk:master
We suggest that this command line is stored in a script so that it is easier to run that type the command each time.