
1. Introduction

{project_name} is a Feel++ project.

This is a Feel++ programming tutorial that shows how to use Feel++ to solve on simple problems.

2. Feel++

Feel++ is a C++ library for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations. It is designed to be easy to use and to extend. {feelpp }is a free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.

3. Contents

The {project_name} project contains the following directories:

  • src: the C++ and Python source code of the project

  • doc: the documentation of the project

4. Installation

The installation procedure is as follows:

$ cmake --preset default (1)
$ cmake --build --preset default (2)
$ cmake --build --preset default -t install (3)
$ ctest --preset default (4)
$ cmake --build --preset default -t package (5)
1 Configure the project
2 Build the project
3 Install the project
4 Run the tests
5 Package the project