Solve a partial differential equation
With all the previously notions we approach, the definition of a partial differential equation and boundary conditions are our next step. More details on these aspects can be retrieve at this page.
1. Variational formulation
This example refers to a laplacian problem, define by
After turning the Strong formulation into its weak form, we have
where \(u\) is the unknown and \(v\) a test function. The left side is known as the bilinear form \(a\) and the right side is the linear form \(l\).
2. Implementation
The steps to implement this problem are
Loading a 2D mesh, creating the function space \(V_h\), composed of piecewise polynomial functions of order 2, and its associated elements
auto mesh = loadMesh(_mesh=new Mesh<Simplex<2>>);
auto Vh = Pch<2>( mesh );
auto u = Vh->element();
auto v = Vh->element();
Define the linear form \(l\) with test function space \(V_h\)
auto l = form1( _test=Vh );
l = integrate(_range=elements(mesh),
Define the bilinear form \(a\) with \(V_h\) as test and trial function spaces
auto a = form2( _trial=Vh, _test=Vh);
a = integrate(_range=elements(mesh),
_expr=gradt(u)*trans(grad(v)) );
and form2
are used to define respectively the left and right
side of our partial differential equation.
Add Dirichlet boundary condition on u
_rhs=l, _element=u, _expr=cst(0.) );
We impose, in this case, \(u=0\) on \(\partial\Omega\), with the keyword on
Solving the problem
Exporting the solution
auto e = exporter( _mesh=mesh );
e->add( "u", u );
The complete code reads as follows :
#include <feel/feel.hpp>
int main(int argc, char**argv )
using namespace Feel;
Environment env( _argc=argc, _argv=argv,
_author="Feel++ Consortium",
auto mesh = loadMesh(_mesh=new Mesh<Simplex<2>>);
auto Vh = Pch<2>( mesh );
auto u = Vh->element();
auto v = Vh->element();
auto l = form1( _test=Vh );
l = integrate(_range=elements(mesh),
auto a = form2( _trial=Vh, _test=Vh);
a = integrate(_range=elements(mesh),
_expr=gradt(u)*trans(grad(v)) );
a+=on(_range=boundaryfaces(mesh), _rhs=l, _element=u, _expr=cst(0.) );
auto e = exporter( _mesh=mesh );
e->add( "u", u );
and the corresponding config file