Defining a Model
1. Introduction
It is well known an equation can describe a huge range of physical problems. Each of theses problems will have a particular environment, but the equation to solve will be the same. To make our program applicable to theses range of problem, we have defined a model.
2. What is a model
A model is defined by :
a Name
a Description
a Model
Boundary Conditions
Post Processing
2.2. Materials
To retrieve the materials properties, we use :
ModelMaterials materials = model.materials();
2.3. BoundaryConditions
Thanks to GiNaC, we handle boundary conditions (Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin) as expression. You have to indicate in the json file the quantity to handle (velocity, pressure…) and the associated expression.
map_scalar_field<2> bc_u { model.boundaryConditions().getScalarFields<2>("heat","dirichlet") };
We can apply theses boundary condition this way
for(auto it : bc_u){
if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
std::cout << "[BC] - Applying " << it.second << " on " << it.first << std::endl;
a+=on(_range=markedfaces(mesh,it.first), _rhs=l, _element=u, _expr=it.second );
2.4. Code
for(auto it : materials)
auto mat = material(it);
if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
std::cout << "[Materials] - Laoding data for " << << " that apply on marker " << it.first << " with diffusion coef ["
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
<< "[" << it.second.k11() << "," << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k13() << "],"
<< "[" << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k22() << "," << it.second.k23() << "],"
<< "[" << it.second.k13() << "," << it.second.k23() << "," << it.second.k33() << "]]"
<< "[" << it.second.k11() << "," << it.second.k12() << "],"
<< "[" << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k22() << "]]"
<< std::endl;
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
k13 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k13());
k23 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k23());
k33 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k33());
#if MODEL_DIM == 2
a += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=inner(mat<MODEL_DIM,MODEL_DIM>(idv(k11), idv(k12), idv(k12), idv(k22) )*trans(gradt(u)),trans(grad(v))) );
a += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=inner(mat<MODEL_DIM,MODEL_DIM>(idv(k11), idv(k12), idv(k13), idv(k12), idv(k22), idv(k23), idv(k31), idv(k32), idv(k33))*trans(gradt(u)),trans(grad(v))) );
2.6. Example
We have set up an example : an anisotropic laplacian.
#include <feel/feel.hpp>
#include <feel/feelmodels/modelproperties.hpp>
int main(int argc, char**argv )
using namespace Feel;
po::options_description laplacianoptions( "Laplacian options" );
("myVerbose", po::value< bool >()-> default_value( true ), "Display information during execution")
Environment env( _argc=argc, _argv=argv,
_author="Feel++ Consortium",
ModelProperties model; // Will load --mod-file
map_scalar_field<2> bc_u { model.boundaryConditions().getScalarFields<2>("heat","dirichlet") };
ModelMaterials materials = model.materials();
if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
std::cout << "Model " << Environment::expand( soption("mod-file")) << " loaded." << std::endl;
auto f = expr( soption(_name="functions.f"), "f" );
auto mesh = loadMesh(_mesh=new Mesh<Simplex<MODEL_DIM>>);
auto Vh = Pch<2>( mesh );
auto u = Vh->element();
auto v = Vh->element();
auto k11 = Vh->element();
auto k12 = Vh->element();
auto k22 = Vh->element();
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
auto k13 = Vh->element();
auto k23 = Vh->element();
auto k33 = Vh->element();
auto a = form2( _trial=Vh, _test=Vh);
auto l = form1( _test=Vh );
l = integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=f*id(v));
for(auto it : materials)
auto mat = material(it);
if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
std::cout << "[Materials] - Laoding data for " << << " that apply on marker " << it.first << " with diffusion coef ["
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
<< "[" << it.second.k11() << "," << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k13() << "],"
<< "[" << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k22() << "," << it.second.k23() << "],"
<< "[" << it.second.k13() << "," << it.second.k23() << "," << it.second.k33() << "]]"
<< "[" << it.second.k11() << "," << it.second.k12() << "],"
<< "[" << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k22() << "]]"
<< std::endl;
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
k13 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k13());
k23 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k23());
k33 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k33());
#if MODEL_DIM == 2
a += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=inner(mat<MODEL_DIM,MODEL_DIM>(idv(k11), idv(k12), idv(k12), idv(k22) )*trans(gradt(u)),trans(grad(v))) );
a += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=inner(mat<MODEL_DIM,MODEL_DIM>(idv(k11), idv(k12), idv(k13), idv(k12), idv(k22), idv(k23), idv(k31), idv(k32), idv(k33))*trans(gradt(u)),trans(grad(v))) );
for(auto it : bc_u){
if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
std::cout << "[BC] - Applying " << it.second << " on " << it.first << std::endl;
a+=on(_range=markedfaces(mesh,it.first), _rhs=l, _element=u, _expr=it.second );
auto e = exporter( _mesh=mesh );
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++){
for(auto const &it : model.postProcess()["Fields"] )
if(it == "diffused")
else if(it == "k11")
else if(it == "k12")
else if(it == "k11")
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
else if(it == "k13")
else if(it == "k11")
else if(it == "k33")
return 0;