Defining a Model

1. Introduction

It is well known an equation can describe a huge range of physical problems. Each of theses problems will have a particular environment, but the equation to solve will be the same. To make our program applicable to theses range of problem, we have defined a model.

2. What is a model

A model is defined by :

  • a Name

  • a Description

  • a Model

  • Parameters

  • Materials

  • Boundary Conditions

  • Post Processing

2.1. Parameters

A parameter is a non physical property for a model.

2.2. Materials

To retrieve the materials properties, we use :

ModelMaterials materials = model.materials();

2.3. BoundaryConditions

Thanks to GiNaC, we handle boundary conditions (Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin) as expression. You have to indicate in the json file the quantity to handle (velocity, pressure…​) and the associated expression.

map_scalar_field<2> bc_u { model.boundaryConditions().getScalarFields<2>("heat","dirichlet") };

We can apply theses boundary condition this way

  for(auto it : bc_u){
    if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
      std::cout << "[BC] - Applying " << it.second << " on " << it.first << std::endl;
    a+=on(_range=markedfaces(mesh,it.first), _rhs=l, _element=u, _expr=it.second );

2.4. Code

  for(auto it : materials)
    auto mat = material(it);
    if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
      std::cout << "[Materials] - Laoding data for " << << " that apply on marker " << it.first  << " with diffusion coef [" 
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
        << "[" << it.second.k11() << "," << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k13() << "],"
        << "[" << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k22() << "," << it.second.k23() << "],"
        << "[" << it.second.k13() << "," << it.second.k23() << "," << it.second.k33() << "]]" 
        << "[" << it.second.k11() << "," << it.second.k12() << "],"
        << "[" << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k22() << "]]"
        << std::endl;
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
    k13 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k13());
    k23 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k23());
    k33 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k33());
#if MODEL_DIM == 2
  a += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=inner(mat<MODEL_DIM,MODEL_DIM>(idv(k11), idv(k12), idv(k12), idv(k22) )*trans(gradt(u)),trans(grad(v))) );
  a += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=inner(mat<MODEL_DIM,MODEL_DIM>(idv(k11), idv(k12), idv(k13), idv(k12), idv(k22), idv(k23), idv(k31), idv(k32), idv(k33))*trans(gradt(u)),trans(grad(v))) );

2.5. PostProcessing

explanation pending.

2.6. Example

We have set up an example : an anisotropic laplacian.

#include <feel/feel.hpp>
#include <feel/feelmodels/modelproperties.hpp>
int main(int argc, char**argv )
  using namespace Feel;
  po::options_description laplacianoptions( "Laplacian options" );
    ("myVerbose", po::value< bool >()-> default_value( true ), "Display information during execution")
  Environment env( _argc=argc, _argv=argv,
        _author="Feel++ Consortium",
  ModelProperties model; // Will load --mod-file
  map_scalar_field<2> bc_u { model.boundaryConditions().getScalarFields<2>("heat","dirichlet") };
  ModelMaterials materials = model.materials();
  if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
    std::cout << "Model " << Environment::expand( soption("mod-file")) << " loaded." << std::endl;
  auto f = expr( soption(_name="functions.f"), "f" );
  auto mesh = loadMesh(_mesh=new Mesh<Simplex<MODEL_DIM>>);
  auto Vh = Pch<2>( mesh );
  auto u = Vh->element();
  auto v = Vh->element();
  auto k11 = Vh->element();
  auto k12 = Vh->element();
  auto k22 = Vh->element();
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
  auto k13 = Vh->element();
  auto k23 = Vh->element();
  auto k33 = Vh->element();
  auto a = form2( _trial=Vh, _test=Vh);
  auto l = form1( _test=Vh );
  l = integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=f*id(v));
  for(auto it : materials)
    auto mat = material(it);
    if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
      std::cout << "[Materials] - Laoding data for " << << " that apply on marker " << it.first  << " with diffusion coef [" 
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
        << "[" << it.second.k11() << "," << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k13() << "],"
        << "[" << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k22() << "," << it.second.k23() << "],"
        << "[" << it.second.k13() << "," << it.second.k23() << "," << it.second.k33() << "]]" 
        << "[" << it.second.k11() << "," << it.second.k12() << "],"
        << "[" << it.second.k12() << "," << it.second.k22() << "]]"
        << std::endl;
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
    k13 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k13());
    k23 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k23());
    k33 += vf::project(_space=Vh,_range=markedelements(mesh,marker(it)),_expr=mat.k33());
#if MODEL_DIM == 2
  a += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=inner(mat<MODEL_DIM,MODEL_DIM>(idv(k11), idv(k12), idv(k12), idv(k22) )*trans(gradt(u)),trans(grad(v))) );
  a += integrate(_range=elements(mesh),_expr=inner(mat<MODEL_DIM,MODEL_DIM>(idv(k11), idv(k12), idv(k13), idv(k12), idv(k22), idv(k23), idv(k31), idv(k32), idv(k33))*trans(gradt(u)),trans(grad(v))) );
  for(auto it : bc_u){
    if(boption("myVerbose") && Environment::isMasterRank() )
      std::cout << "[BC] - Applying " << it.second << " on " << it.first << std::endl;
    a+=on(_range=markedfaces(mesh,it.first), _rhs=l, _element=u, _expr=it.second );
  auto e = exporter( _mesh=mesh );
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++){
    for(auto const &it : model.postProcess()["Fields"] )
      if(it == "diffused") 
      else if(it == "k11")
      else if(it == "k12")
      else if(it == "k11")
#if MODEL_DIM == 3
      else if(it == "k13")
      else if(it == "k11")
      else if(it == "k33")
  return 0;