Initializing Feel++

The core module provides the basic data structures to

  • setup and run Feel++ application in a parallel environment.

  • handle the command line options

  • download and upload data from and to Github and/or Girder

1. Setting up the Feel++ Environment

Start the Feel++ environment,
404: Not Found

To execute the previous example

Execute the script above on 4 parallel processes
mpiexec -n 4 python3

Command line options can be passed to the python script

get the version of pyfeelpp and Feel++
mpiexec -n 4 python3 --version

2. Downloading data

404: Not Found

To execute the previous example

Execute the script above on 4 parallel processes
mpiexec -n 4 python3

and get the file README.adoc from the toplevel Feel++ github directory downloaded

Download remote file on repository
Welcome to PyFeel++
version: 0.106.0-beta.2
[ Starting Feel++ ] application version 0.1 date 2018-Sep-18
 . files are stored in /feel/
 .. logfiles :/feel/
download data in  /feel/
downloaded data: ['/feel/']
[env] Time : 1.39421s
[ Stopping Feel++ ] application execution time 1.39421s