Heat Toolbox

1. Models

The model used by default with the heat toolbox is represented by this equation

\[\rho C_p \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \boldsymbol{q}= Q, \quad \text{ in } \Omega\]

with the following properties :

  • \(q=-k \nabla T\) is the conductive heat flux,

  • \(Q=0\) is heat source by default equal to 0,

  • \(\Omega\) the domain where the model is applied (.i.e. the materials).

For a steady-state problem, the temperature does not change with time, and the first term disappears.

1.1. Heat sources

The source term \(Q\) in the heat equation is used to model internal heat generation and absorption with positive and negative values respectively.

For adding a heat source term in the model, a JSON key called heat-sources must be added and the JSON value associated can be

  • a string: explicit expression of \(Q\),

  • a JSON object: setup one heat source,

  • an array of JSON object : \(Q\) is composed of several heat sources.

We also consider two ways for defined a heat source :

  • from an explicit expression of the heat source

  • from an expression of the heat rate \(P\). In this case, \(Q = P/V\), where \(V\) is the volume of the material belongs to this model.

The setup of a heat source is defined from the properties listed in the next table.

Keyword Description Value Type Default Value


possible values : heat-source, heat-rate




expression with respect to the type used


The term \(Q\) can be also split into \(N\) terms (for example due to the multiple physics). The term \(Q\) can be written as \(Q=\sum_{i=1}^N Q_i\). This setup can be done by using an array of JSON objects for the heat-sources entry. And each JSON object corresponds to the previous description of one heat source.

  "Models": {
    "heat": [
      { (1)
        "name": "heat1",
        "materials": [
        "setup": {
          "heat-sources": [ (2)
            { (3)
              "type": "heat-source",
              "expr": "3"
            { (4)
              "type": "heat-rate",
              "expr": "2*exp(t):t"
      { (5)
        "name": "heat2",
        "materials": [
        "setup": {
          "heat-sources": { (6)
            "expr": "30"
1 setup of first model called heat1 on materials mymatA and mymatB
2 heat sources will be composed of 2 terms that we will call \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\) (with \(Q=Q_1+Q_2\))
3 we define \(Q_1=3\)
4 we define \(Q_2=2*exp(t)/V\) with \(V\) the measure of materials mymatA and mymatB
5 setup of second model called heat2 on materials mymatC
6 we define one heat source with \(Q=30\)

1.2. Convective heat transfert

Modeling heat transfer in fluid requires taking into account the convective effect in the heat equation. The heat equation is written as :

\[\rho C_p \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} + \underbrace{\rho C_p \boldsymbol{u} \cdot \nabla T}_{\text{new term}} + \nabla \cdot \mathbf{q}= Q, \quad \text{ in } \Omega\]

with \(\boldsymbol{u}\) the fluid velocity.

For adding this feature to the model, a convection section should be added. The value can be a string corresponding to velocity expression.

  "Models": {
    "heat": {
      "setup": {
        "convection": "{-30*(y+-0.7)*(y-0.5)*(y>0.5)*(y<0.7),0}:y"

2. Materials

Table 1. Materials properties defined in the heat toolbox (symbols are given without components suffix)
Name Symbol Shape Description



scalar or matrix

thermal conductivity








thermal expansion




specific heat capacity

3. Fields and symbols expressions

Table 2. Fields available
Name Description Shape


the temperature field


Table 3. Symbols expressions by considering heat as the keyword used with the toolbox
Symbol Expression Description



evaluate the temperature


\(\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\)

evaluate the first component of gradient of temperature


\(\frac{\partial T}{\partial y}\)

evaluate the second component of gradient of temperature


\(\frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\)

evaluate the third component of gradient of temperature


\(\nabla T \cdot \boldsymbol{n}\)

evaluate the normal derivative of temperature


\(-k \nabla T \cdot \boldsymbol{n}\)

evaluate the normal flux

4. Boundary Conditions

4.1. Temperature imposed

\[T = g \quad \text{ on } \Gamma\]

JSON keywords : temperature, temperature_imposed

Table 4. JSON properties of boundary condition temperature imposed
Property Description Value Type Is Optional Default Value


mesh marker where the BC is applied

string, array of string, JSON


name given to the BC


expression of g

string, number


  "BoundaryConditions": {
    "heat": { (1)
      "temperature": { (2)
        "bc1": { (3)
          "markers": "gamma1", (4)
          "expr": "293-10*(y-1)*(y+1):y" (5)
        "bc2": { (6)
          "expr": "293+0.38*t:t"
1 the toolbox identity
2 JSON keyword for defining this kind of boundary condition
3 name given to a boundary condition of type temperature imposed
4 marker names where the boundary condition is applied
5 the expression of the temperature imposed
6 another boundary condition of type temperature imposed where the marker used will be the name (i.e. bc2)
The temperature imposed can be applied on all kind of marked entities (elements,faces,edges,points)

4.2. Heat flux

\[k \nabla T \cdot \boldsymbol{n} = g \quad \text{ on } \Gamma\]

JSON keywords : heat_flux, flux

Table 5. JSON properties of boundary condition heat flux
Property Description Value Type Is Optional Default Value


mesh marker where the BC is applied

string, array of string, JSON


name given to the BC


expression of g

string, number


  "BoundaryConditions": {
    "heat": {
      "flux": {
        "bc1": {
          "markers": [
          "expr": "34*t:t"
The expression given to the heat flux boundary condition can depend on the unknown (i.e. any symbols depending on the temperature).

4.3. Convective heat flux

\[-k \nabla T \cdot \boldsymbol{n} = h \left( T - g \right) \quad \text{ on } \Gamma\]

JSON keywords : convective_heat_flux

Table 6. JSON properties of boundary condition convective heat flux
Property Description Value Type Is Optional Default Value


mesh marker where the BC is applied

string, array of string, JSON


name given to the BC


expression of h

string, number



expression of g

string, number


  "BoundaryConditions": {
    "heat": {
      "convective_heat_flux": {
        "bc1": {
          "h": "16",
          "Text": "287"
The expressions given to the convective heat flux boundary condition can depend on the unknown but the automatic differentiation is not implemented here, so the jacobian will be inexact if a Newton solver is used.

5. Initial Conditions

6. Post Processing

6.1. Exports

Table 7. Fields allowed to be exported in the fields section are:
Name Description


the temperature field


evaluate the gradient of temperature


the mesh partitioning


all fields available

All materials properties given in the section Materials can be also exported by specifying the name in the fields entry.

6.2. Measures

6.2.1. Normal-Heat-Flux

Example of a Parameters section
  "Normal-Heat-Flux": { (1)
    "bottom": { (2)
      "markers": [ (3)
      "direction": "inward" (4)
    "top": { (5)
      "direction": "inward"
1 kind of measure
2 name of measure
3 surface markers where the measure is computed
4 direction : inward or outward
5 another measure applied on surface marker called top (because when markers is no present, the name is used as marker name)

7. Stabilization methods

7.1. GLS family