Setting runtime environment
In this section, we present some tools to initialize and manipulate Feel++ environment.
1. Initialize Feel++
Environment class is necessary to initialize your application, as seen in FirstApp. The interface is as follows:
Environment env( _argc, _argv, _desc, _about );
None of those parameters are required but it is highly recommended to use the minimal declaration:
Environment env( _argc=argc, _argv=argv,
are the arguments of your main function. -
is a description of your options. -
is a brief description of your application.
1.1. Options Description
1.1.1. Adding Options
returns a list of default options used in Feel++.
You can create your own list of options as follows:
using namespace Feel;
po::options_description myappOptions( "My app options" );
( "option1", po::value<type1>()->default_value( value1 ), "description1" )
( "option2", po::value<type2>()->default_value( value2 ), "description2" )
( "option3", po::value<type3>()->default_value( value3 ), "description3" )
// Add the default feel options to your list
return myappOptions.add( feel_options() );
is the usual name of this routine but you can change it amd myappOptions
is the name of you options list.
Parameter |
Description |
the name of parameter |
the type parameter |
the default value of parameter |
the description of parameter |
You can then use makeOptions()
to initialize the Feel++ Environment as follows
Environment env( _argc=argc, _argv=argv,
_email="") );
Then, at runtime, you can change the parameter as follows
$ ./myapp --option1=alpha --option2=beta --option3=gamma
1.1.2. Options Accessors
Options Description :
Returns options description data structure of type po::options_description
where is a namespace alias defined in Feel++ for boost::program_options
Variable map
You can access to the parameters of your application environment using the following function:
is the name of the parameter as seen in the previous paragraph. This function returns a data structure of type po::variable_value
. You can then extract the proper parameter value as follows
const double E = Environment::vm(_name="E").template as<double>();
const double nu = Environment::vm(_name="nu").template as<double>();
auto Tfinal = Environment::vm( _name="test" ).template as<int>()*dt;
1.2. Repository
1.2.1. Change changeRepository
You can change the default repository where the results are stored
void changeRepository( _directory, _subdir, _filename );
Parameter |
Description |
Status |
Default value |
directory name |
Required |
You can use boost
format to customize the path as follows:
Environment::changeRepository( boost::format( "doc/manual/laplacian/%1%/%2%-%3%/P%4%/h_%5%/" )
% this->about().appName()
% shape
% Dim
% Order
% meshSize );
Then results will be store in: /doc/manual/laplacian/<appName>/<shape>-<Dim>/P<Order>/h_<meshSize>/
1.2.2. findFile
std::string findFile( std::string const& filename );
Returns the string containing the filename path.
The lookup is as follows:
look into current path
look into paths that went through
, it means that we look for example into the path from which the executable was run
If the file has an extension .geo or .msh, try also to
look into
which is usually $HOME/feel/geo -
look into
which is usually $FEELPP_DIR/share/feel/geo
If filename
is not found, then the empty string is returned.
1.3. Utility functions
1.3.1. Communications
A lot of data structures, in fact most of them, in Feel++ are parallel and are associated with a WorldComm
data structure which allows us to access and manipulate the MPI communicators.
We provide some utility free functions that allow a transparent access to the WorldComm
data structure.
We denote by c
a Feel++ data structure associated to a WorldComm
Feel++ Keyword |
Description |
rank(c) |
returns the local MPI rank of the data structure |
globalRank(c) |
returns the global MPI rank of the data |
For example to print the rank of a mesh data structure
// initialise environment...
auto mesh = makeMesh<Simplex<2,1>>();
std::cout << "local rank : " << rank(mesh) << "\n";