Preconditioner strategies
1. Relaxation
Split into lower, diagonal, upper parts: \(A = L + D + U\).
1.1. Jacobi
Cheapest preconditioner: \(P^{-1}=D^{-1}\).
# sequential
# parallel
1.2. Successive over-relaxation (SOR)
Implemented as a sweep.
\(\omega = 1\) corresponds to Gauss-Seidel.
Very effective at removing high-frequency components of residual.
# sequential
2. Factorization
Two phases
symbolic factorization: find where fill occurs, only uses sparsity pattern.
numeric factorization: compute factors.
2.1. LU decomposition
Expensive, for \(m\times m\) sparse matrix with bandwidth \(b\), traditionally requires \(\mathcal{O}(mb^2)\) time and \(\mathcal{O}(mb)\) space.
Bandwidth scales as \(m^{\frac{d-1}{d}}\) in d-dimensions.
Optimal in 2D: \(\mathcal{O}(m \cdot \log m)\) space, \(\mathcal{O}(m^{3/2})\) time.
Optimal in 3D: \(\mathcal{O}(m^{4/3})\) space, \(\mathcal{O}(m^2)\) time.
Symbolic factorization is problematic in parallel.
3. 1-level Domain decomposition
Domain size $$L$$, subdomain size $$H$$, element size $$h$$
Solve Dirichlet problems on overlapping subdomains.
No overlap: \(\textit{its} \in \mathcal{O}\big( \frac{L}{\sqrt{Hh}} \big)\).
Overlap \(\delta: \textit{its} \in \big( \frac L {\sqrt{H\delta}} \big)\).
Solve Neumann problems on non-overlapping subdomains.
\(\textit{its} \in \mathcal{O}\big( \frac{L}{H}(1+\log\frac H h) \big)\).
Tricky null space issues (floating subdomains).
Need subdomain matrices, not globally assembled matrix.
Multilevel variants knock off the leading \(\frac L H\). Both overlapping and nonoverlapping with this bound. |
Neumann problems on subdomains with coarse grid correction.
\(\textit{its} \in \mathcal{O}\big(1 + \log\frac H h \big)\).
4. Multigrid
4.1. Introduction
Hierarchy: Interpolation and restriction operators \(\Pi^\uparrow : X_{\text{coarse}} \to X_{\text{fine}} \qquad \Pi^\downarrow : X_{\text{fine}} \to X_{\text{coarse}} \)
Geometric: define problem on multiple levels, use grid to compute hierarchy.
Algebraic: define problem only on finest level, use matrix structure to build hierarchy.
Galerkin approximation
Assemble this matrix: \(A_{\text{coarse}} = \Pi^\downarrow A_{\text{fine}} \Pi^\uparrow\)
Application of multigrid preconditioner (\(V\)-cycle)
Apply pre-smoother on fine level (any preconditioner).
Restrict residual to coarse level with \(\Pi^\downarrow\).
Solve on coarse level \(A_{\text{coarse}} x = r\).
Interpolate result back to fine level with \Pi^\uparrow.
Apply post-smoother on fine level (any preconditioner).
4.2. Multigrid convergence properties
Textbook: \(P^{-1}A\) is spectrally equivalent to identity
Constant number of iterations to converge up to discretization error.
Most theory applies to SPD systems
variable coefficients (e.g. discontinuous): low energy interpolants.
mesh- and/or physics-induced anisotropy: semi-coarsening/line smoothers.
complex geometry: difficult to have meaningful coarse levels.
Deeper algorithmic difficulties
nonsymmetric (e.g. advection, shallow water, Euler).
indefinite (e.g. incompressible flow, Helmholtz).
Performance considerations
Aggressive coarsening is critical in parallel.
Most theory uses SOR smoothers, ILU often more robust.
Coarsest level usually solved semi-redundantly with direct solver.
Multilevel Schwarz is essentially the same with different language
assume strong smoothers, emphasize aggressive coarsening.